Thursday, April 19, 2012

I just got home from the hospital. Dad was completely sedated the entire time, but we were told that he could hear us. He won't remember any of this (thank goodness) due to his medication. The nurse told me that most head trauma patients are very agitated when their sedative is decreased, but that Dad is very calm and responsive, which is a great thing. Surgery on his ribs and wrist is planned for tomorrow, pending a favorable CT scan in the early morning. They will be putting plates and screws in his ribs and wrist, which are severely fractured. His skull fractures will not require surgery, as they are straight. Facial surgery will not be for a while. It is possible that he will be taken off of the ventilator tomorrow. After that, he will be awake and aware. He will still remain in ICU for a while. Thank you again to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Your support means so very much to my entire family. It is evident what a great man my dad is by all of the concern and love he is being shown. I should also mention that my family was told that if you have to have a brain injury, his is in the spot that you would want it. I didn't get a chance to ask why . April 18 11:00 pm

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