Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I had just finished posting the nightly update when I received a text from Dale and Shari.  Dad has been taken back to ICU.  He was coughing up blood.  Please continue to pray for him.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kathleen & the Kendall family,
    We watch with great interest and high hopes each day on Ed's progress. We were sorry to learn of his recent setback, being sent back to ICU. We sincerely hope that this is temporary. We pray for him as do many, many others and hope for his continued recovery. My daughter put his name on the temple roll in St. George today. Overall, it sounds very encouraging in view of the trauma that he has gone through for over two weeks now. Ed has made so many friends over the years who are very concerned about him. Please let us know if we can be of service to you. If you need a break and would like someone to sit with him for a few hours, we would be very willing to do that. Each Sunday we spend a few minutes in the High Priest Group updating those who may not have access to all of the information. Thanks for all the great information on his progress that you are updating each day.
    The Harmon Family
