Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dad on Father's Day with my kids

It was so wonderful having Dad home for Father's Day.  Most of our family was able to gather together with him that evening. We felt so blessed to still have him with us to celebrate that day.

Dad continues to improve in all areas.  Therapists continue to come to his home often to work with him. Earlier this week, the physical therapist determined that Dad had a misplaced crystal in his left ear that had probably been knocked out of place by his fall.  This was probably causing much of the dizziness and some of the unsteadiness that Dad had been experiencing.  He did a procedure with Dad that should help to return that crystal to its proper location.  It may take a few tries, but we are hopeful that it will help.

Yesterday there was a malfunction with Dad's feeding tube and the home nurse had to remove it.  The Dr. agreed to let Dad try to go without it for a couple of days, as Dad had complained of it interfering with his efforts to eat.  Dad really does not want to have the feeding tube replaced, so he has been trying his hardest to eat the daily 1500 calories that are required to remain off of the feeding tube.  Today he ate the most that he has since his accident.  He still struggles with choking on his food, and will be seeing an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to address that issue.  Today he pushed through the choking episodes and has come close to meeting his minimum calorie needs.  This afternoon when Corrine and her kids were visiting, he even convinced them to take him out to a restaurant where he enjoyed salmon and creme brulee.  We are so glad that he is getting a bit of his appetite back, but it will have to improve even further for him to remain tube free.

Dad had an appointment with the facial surgeon this week. Dr Leyngold indicated that he feels positive about the movement that Dad has returning to his face.  That should continue to improve.  Dad also mentioned that the black spot blocking the vision in his right eye is getting smaller.  The Dr. had given that eye a minimal chance of improving, but we are not ruling it out.  The appearance of Dad's eye is much better since the minor surgery that he had a couple of weeks ago.

Dad is working on getting stronger and strengthening his arm. The main area of concern has still been his throat and his ability to eat. Tomorrow we will find out if the Dr. will approve of Dad keeping the feeding tube out or not.  We are keeping our fingers crossed . . .

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